




Format Framing Prices

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Lamiframe Price List

We offer custom large format art and photo mounting and framing in variety of formats and sizes.

Lamiframe (Currently Not Available)

We can produce your large photo prints fast, mount, frame and ship to any location.


Large Format FramingCalifornia Photo

California Photo

Lamiframe Price List:

Size UI Laminate
& Mount
1/4" MDF
Plaque Float Solid
Solid Box
Hollow Box
5 x 7 12 $13.00 $17.20 $20.20 $22.40 N/A $22.60 $25.60 $27.80 N/A
6 x 8 14 $15.00 $20.00 $23.60 $26.00 N/A $26.20 $29.80 $32.20 N/A
7 x 9 16 $17.20 $22.80 $26.80 $29.60 N/A $29.80 $33.80 $36.60 N/A
8 x 10 18 $19.20 $25.60 $30.00 $33.20 N/A $33.40 $37.80 $41.00 N/A
8 x 12 20 $21.40 $28.60 $33.60 $37.20 N/A $37.20 $42.20 $45.80 N/A
10 x 12 22 $23.60 $31.40 $36.80 $40.80 N/A $41.00 $46.40 $50.40 N/A
10 x 14 24 $25.60 $34.20 $40.20 $44.40 N/A $44.60 $50.60 $54.80 N/A
12 x 14 26 $27.80 $37.00 $43.40 $48.20 N/A $48.40 $54.80 $59.60 N/A
12 x 16 28 $30.00 $40.00 $47.00 $52.00 N/A $52.20 $59.20 $64.20 N/A
14 x 16 30 $32.80 $43.80 $51.40 $57.00 N/A $57.40 $65.00 $70.60 N/A
14 x 18 32 $35.80 $47.60 $56.00 $61.80 N/A $62.60 $71.00 $76.80 N/A
16 x 18 34 $38.60 $51.40 $60.40 $66.80 N/A $67.80 $76.80 $83.20 N/A
16 x 20 36 $41.40 $55.20 $64.80 $71.80 $82.80 $73.00 $82.60 $89.60 $100.60
18 x 20 38 $44.20 $59.00 $69.40 $76.80 $88.60 $78.20 $88.60 $96.00 $107.80
20 x 20 40 $47.20 $62.80 $73.80 $81.60 $94.20 $84.00 $95.00 $102.80 $115.40
18 x 24 42 $50.00 $66.60 $78.20 $86.60 $100.00 $89.60 $101.20 $109.60 $123.00
20 x 24 44 $52.80 $70.40 $82.80 $91.60 $105.60 $95.40 $107.80 $116.60 $130.60
20 x 26 46 $55.60 $74.20 $87.20 $96.40 $111.40 $101.20 $114.20 $123.40 $138.40
20 x 28 48 $58.60 $78.00 $91.60 $101.40 $117.00 $107.00 $120.60 $130.40 $146.00
20 x 30 50 $61.40 $81.80 $96.20 $106.40 $122.80 $112.80 $127.20 $137.40 $153.80
24 x 28 52 $64.20 $85.60 $100.60 $111.20 $128.40 $118.60 $133.60 $144.20 $161.40
24 x 30 54 $67.00 $89.40 $105.00 $116.20 $134.20 $124.40 $140.00 $151.20 $169.20
24 x 32 56 $70.00 $93.20 $109.60 $121.20 $139.80 $130.40 $146.80 $158.40 $177.00
24 x 34 58 $72.80 $97.00 $114.00 $126.20 $145.60 $136.20 $153.20 $165.40 $184.80
24 x 36 60 $75.60 $100.80 $118.40 $131.00 $151.20 $142.20 $159.80 $172.40 $192.60
30 x 32 62 $84.20 $112.20 $131.80 N/A $168.40 $155.80 $175.40 N/A $212.00
30 x 34 64 $92.80 $123.60 $145.20 N/A $185.40 $169.40 $191.00 N/A $231.20
30 x 36 66 $101.20 $135.00 $158.60 N/A $202.60 $183.00 $206.60 N/A $250.60
30 x 38 68 $109.80 $146.40 $172.00 N/A $219.60 $196.60 $222.20 N/A $269.80
30 x 40 70 $118.40 $157.80 $185.40 N/A $236.80 $210.20 $237.80 N/A $289.20
30 x 42 72 $127.00 $169.20 $198.80 N/A $253.80 $224.00 $253.60 N/A $308.60
32 x 42 74 $135.40 $180.60 $212.20 N/A $271.00 $237.60 $269.20 N/A $328.00
36 x 40 76 $144.00 $192.00 $225.60 N/A $288.00 $251.40 $285.00 N/A $347.40
38 x 40 78 $152.60 $203.40 $239.00 N/A $305.20 $265.20 $300.80 N/A $367.00
30 x 50 80 $161.20 $214.80 $252.40 N/A $322.20 $279.40 $317.00 N/A $386.80
40 x 42 82 $169.60 $226.20 $265.80 N/A $339.40 $293.80 $333.40 N/A $407.00
40 x 44 84 $178.20 $237.60 $279.20 N/A $356.40 $308.40 $350.00 N/A $427.20
40 x 46 86 $186.80 $249.00 $292.60 N/A $373.60 $322.80 $366.40 N/A $447.40
40 x 48 88 $195.40 $260.40 $306.00 N/A $390.60 $337.20 $382.80 N/A $467.40
40 x 50 90 $206.80 $275.60 $323.80 N/A $413.40 $355.60 $403.80 N/A $493.40
40 x 52 92 $218.20 $290.80 $341.60 N/A $436.20 $374.00 $424.80 N/A $519.40
40 x 54 94 $229.60 $306.00 $359.60 N/A $459.00 $392.20 $445.80 N/A $545.20
40 x 56 96 $241.00 $321.20 $377.40 N/A $481.80 $410.60 $466.80 N/A $571.20
40 x 58 98 $252.40 $336.40 $395.20 N/A $504.60 $429.00 $487.80 N/A $597.20
40 x 60 100 $263.80 $351.60 $413.20 N/A $527.40 $447.80 $509.40 N/A $623.60
42 x 60 102 $275.20 $366.80 $431.00 N/A $550.20 $466.80 $531.00 N/A $650.20
44 x 60 104 $286.60 $382.00 $448.80 N/A $573.00 $485.60 $552.40 N/A $676.60
46 x 60 106 $298.00 $397.20 $466.80 N/A $595.80 $504.60 $574.20 N/A $703.20
48 x 60 108 $309.40 $412.40 $484.60 N/A $618.60 $523.40 $595.60 N/A $729.60
50 x 60 110 $320.80 $427.60 $502.40 N/A $641.40 $542.40 $617.20 N/A $756.20

All orders are paid in advance by cash or check, with PayPal, Chase QuickPay, or bank transfer.

It may take up to 3-4 weeks for Lamiframe mounts to be made and shipped to you.


General Terms and Conditions

These prices are for standard work and material.

1. Anything other than the standard mounting and lamination is subject to a 10% surcharge.
2. For table top display, pegs & pegholes are $.50 per peghole.
3. All shipped orders are subject to shipping and handling charges.
4. Trimming fees, if needed: $4 up to 36UI, $6 to 70UI, $8 to 100UI, $10 over 100UI (UI stands for United Inches).
5. Maximum Size is 48" x 96".

For double mounts, custom styles, and over-sized items, please call for a quote.

To determine united inches, add the length plus the width and round up to nearest even number.


Large Format Printing Questions

For a quote, submit files for printing, or if you just have questions about large format printing and framing services.

E-mail: mail@californiaimage.com


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